Department of Public Works
Hours & Contact Information
The Department of Public Works is located at
35 Russell Avenue.
The office and facility are opened
Monday - Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm
(closed for lunch 12 - 12:45)
201-664-1849 ext 40
Fax: 201-664-3254
Superintendent: Andy Brackenbury, email
Assist Superintendent: Daniel Hartman, email
Road Foreman: Robert McQuade, email
Sewer Foreman: Shawn Pospisil, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Recycle Center Location:
DPW Garage, 35 Russell Avenue.
Hours: Mon-Fri: 7am-3pm
Saturday: 9am-3pm (except holidays).
Public Works Information
The Department of Public Works consists of 15 full-time employees and quite a few seasonal employees throughout the year. The department's areas of responsibility are as follows:
maintainance of 26 miles of Borough roads and an additional 7 miles of County roads which includes street sweeping, leaf collection, salting and snow plowing on all 33 miles of roads.
responisble for all pavement and storm drain maintenance on the 26 miles of Borough roads.
responsible for the maintenance and repair of all Borough owned buildings as well as all parks and playgrounds.
responsible for the sewer system with its over 32 miles of pipe and 7 sewage pumping stations is also included.
responsible for the maintenance and repair of most Borough owned vehicles and equipment.