Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:00pm

(201) 664-1849

Contact Us




Physical Address:
21 Russell Ave
Old Tappan, NJ 07675
Phone: 201-664-1221


Police Chief:  Joseph Tracy
Council Liaison:  Ron Binaghi

Welcome to the
Old Tappan Police Department

As officers and staff of the Old Tappan Police Department, we are dedicated to serve and protect the citizens, visitors and workers of this community. The mission of this police department is to protect life and property, to uphold the law and to reduce the fear of crime in Old Tappan. This agency will provide service with understanding and police with diversity, fairness and compassion. We strive to perform our responsibilities with integrity and honor, while upholding the Constitutional rights of all individuals. 

Quick Facts:

  • Where can I apply for a Temporary Handicapped Parking Permit?
    The Chief of Police may issue a temporary permit for a period of 6 months. This permit application is available at Police Headquarters and a $4.00 fee payable to NJDMV is required.
  • Is overnight parking in the street allowed all year?
    No overnight parking is permitted between November 15th and April 1st.
  • I recently bought my child a motorized skateboard. Are they allowed to drive them in the street?
    Motorized skateboards are not allowed on streets or public sidewalks.
  • Does my Police Department provide house checks while we are away on vacation?
    Yes. The Police Department provides both physical and visual checks.
  • I recently purchased new child seats for my car, does the Police Department provide assistance in helping me install them properly?
    Yes. The Police Department has 3 certified child seat technicians. Please make an appointment before coming to headquarters.
  • Does my house alarm system need to be registered with the Borough?
    Yes, the Police Department maintains the records of all alarms systems in the borough A yearly $20.00 fee is required along with updated contact information. Click here for form.

New Jersey Suspicious Activity Reporting

Please report suspicious activity with a potential nexus to terrorism to the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness Counterterrorism Watch Unit.
Click here for form: SARS 
Activity Reporting ( You can remain anonymous by calling 866-4-SAFE-NJ (1-866-472-3365) or emailing [email protected].